[First Floor] [Second Floor]

Welcome to the on-line locker management system for Princess Margaret Secondary.

Student accounts have been created for access to the system. 

Please make sure you make your payment through School Cash Online before trying to select a locker.  Lockers will not be available for you to choose until you have paid your student fees.  Go to www.schoolcashonline.com to pay online.  Once your fees have been paid, you will need to wait 24 hours to choose a locker.

Your student number is your user id and your password is a combination of your initials and your student number. Your two initials will be lowercase.

  • Example: User ID will be your first and last name initials followed by your student number (for example:  John Smith 1234567 would log in as js1234567).

Student accounts have been created for all current students to access the system. To log in, you must enter your STUDENT # as your USER ID and your preset password. Your STUDENT # can be found on MyEd BC, Princess Margaret Go-Card, timetable, an old report card, and on printed school schedules.  After entering your STUDENT #, you must enter your password. Your password is your first and last name initials in lowercase. An example of the format of the password is (John Smith 1234567 would log in as js1234567 – lower case).


Q)  Are you new to Princess Margaret?  Did you register for Princess Margaret over the summer or at the end of the school year?  Are you having trouble logging into the system?  If so, the system might not have your log-in information or your correct STUDENT  #. If you are a new registration, you might not be in our system yet.   If you have tried logging into the system but cannot, please contact the school so that we can update your information and get you logged in within the next day or two.